Kidney C.O.P.® Helps
Stop Calcium Oxalate Stones
Growth & Formation*
- 99% Inhibition of Calcium Oxalate Crystals*
- Reduces Growth Rate of Calcium Oxalate Crystals*
- Supports Proper Kidney Function & Health**
- Doctor Formulated with Clinically Researched Ingredients****
- View Ingredients and Supplement Facts Here
Doctor Trained in Urology Recommends Kidney C.O.P.®
Dr. Matthew Davis | Medical Doctor & Pharmacist
How Does Kidney C.O.P.® Work?
“Kidney C.O.P.’s® patented formulation is by far the best supplement available to support kidney health and to address the challenges of calcium oxalate crystal stone growth.”
Veloxa™ | Very Low Oxalate Tea
Great Tasting Teas Low in Oxalate!
‣ Proprietary tea blends specifically crafted for those managing oxalate intake
‣ Premium tea blends that are low in oxalates while rich in taste
‣ Scientifically tested industry-recognized High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method
Choose from 3 Delicious Tea Blends ALL Low in Oxalate!
99% Reduction
in Calcium Oxalate Crystals*

Kidney C.O.P.® has been shown to Reduce and
Inhibit the Growth and Formation of
Calcium Oxalate Crystals during testing*
- In vitro tests show that Kidney C.O.P.’s® patented formula inhibits the rate of calcium oxalate crystal formation by 99%*
- Kidney protection supplement – see how Kidney C.O.P.® works

Compare Kidney C.O.P.® vs Chanca Piedra
(Stone Breaker) – See the full comparison here
- Kidney C.O.P.® was shown to inhibit calcium oxalate crystal growth by 99%
- Chanca Piedra 5:1 Extract only inhibited growth by 16% to 20%
- Testing shows Kidney C.O.P.® is more than FIVE TIMES stronger than Chanca Piedra!2,5
- Health care experts DO NOT recommend taking Chanca Piedra for more than 3 months
Compare Kidney C.O.P.® vs Chanca Piedra
(Stone Breaker Supplement) – See the full comparison here
- Kidney C.O.P.® was shown to inhibit calcium oxalate crystal growth by 99%
- Chanca Piedra 5:1 Extract (stone away supplement) only inhibited growth by 16% to 20%
- Testing shows Kidney C.O.P.® is more than FIVE TIMES stronger than Chanca Piedra!2,5
- Health care experts DO NOT recommend taking Chanca Piedra Stone Breaker supplements for more than 3 months

Patented Innovation
Kidney C.O.P.® Awarded Multiple US Patents!
Kidney C.O.P.® was optimized through in vitro laboratory tests. This optimization made it so successful at REDUCING CALCIUM OXALATE STONE and CRYSTAL GROWTH*, it has been awarded multiple patents by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Current Kidney C.O.P.® Patents:
9,233,135 | 9,492,491 | 9,623,066 | 9,789,152 | 10,471,115

Reviews for Kidney C.O.P.®
“Surgery was Cancelled!”
I honestly think taking Kidney C.O.P. got rid of a stone that was discovered in my ureter during an X-ray back in November, and it did it without any pain or even me knowing it was gone! I had surgery scheduled for early January and assumed the stone was still there since I didn’t see or feel any signs it had passed. Amazingly It wasn’t on my pre surgery CT scan the week before and surgery was cancelled! Not sure how else to explain it other than a miracle. Thank you Kidney C.O.P.!
Jason Burley | January 2025
“Sceptic to believer!”
This product works great, I have been using it for years now. It really has done its job, so far, I have not had a problem with kidney stones. Well, worth the money.
Mick Irvin | November 2024
“WOW this WORKS!!!”
I am a retired ICU nurse was always helping others but Now I needed help!!! My urologist recommended “Kidney Cop” So I took them every AM & PM before my meals as directed with absolutely No Issues! I drank lots of water as well! And it WORKED!!!! My discomfort subsided, and my flow improved ! I am just so VERY PLEASED and GRATEFUL!!! Kidney Cop you have a customer for life!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Cindy | September 2024
“After 1 Full Year, Kidney C.O.P. Works!”
I wanted to wait 1 year before I reviewed to see if Kidney Cop worked for me and the results are in. I passed my last Kidney Stone and my largest Kidney Stone about 1 year ago this month (September 2022). It was about a 6 mm and it took weeks to pass it. Pain (sometimes excruciating) would come and go over the course of the process and I would just endure it as I have my entire life of having KS’s. I did visit the ER in the beginning when I didn’t know what was happening and I thought I might be dying way back in my late teens and early 20’s. I am almost 60 now. I would go on to have several per year every year and they were mostly small passable stones. The 6 mm stone was the last straw. It was slow moving and determined to take me out. I even saw a urologist on this one but opted to pass it rather than have surgery to remove it. I bought some Kidney Cop and I have been stone free for 1 year now. I read some of the other reviews and the review by Joseph S is as close to my experience, so you should read his as well. I don’t know if it is for everyone but so far it works for me.
Reviewer | September 2024
“Great Product for Stones”
So far so good. The science behind this is rock solid and i have ordered multiple times. I will take everyday going forward.
Dee Y. | September 2024
“last visit with urologist had no new stones
After 5 surgeries and 4 hospitalizations in the last 3 years. My last visit with urologist had no new stones! I’m sold!
Sandra Warren | June 2023
“FIVE YEARS Stone Free!!!”
Started taking this daily in 2017 after an 11mm stone in 2015 and a 7mm stone in 2017, both of which had to be extracted. A very unpleasant experience if you haven’t experienced it yourself. Have had no stones since and take only 2 capsules every morning. I’d swear that the medical profession won’t tell you about this stuff because it would put them out of business.
JJM CPA | April 2023
“I have not had stones in over 2 years!”
I started taking Kidney COP, over 2 years ago. I used to get stones about once every year to year and 1/2. I initially spoke to my urologist about this, he po poed it. Since I’ve been taking I have not had a stone. If I do not have to see my urologist again, it is well worth it
Thomas Powell | February 2023
“After 24 months…no growth of existing stones and no new stones!”
I am very pleased with Kidney C.O.P. After suffering a kidney stone attack that required hospitalization in the beginning of 2020, I decided to start taking this supplement. The surgery took care of the “big one”, but I still did have two small stones, one in each kidney. After two years along with a recent visit to my urologist, these stones have not increased in size and there were no other ones detected. What’s funny is that I even own a health food company and prefer to use this product instead the other supplements/herbs that I normally sell in our retail stores…that’s how much I believe in this product (hoping to carry this soon in our stores!). I am very thankful that Mr. Hayer developed this formula. It’s not very often that a supplement comes along and changes your life for the better. Not worrying about when the next kidney stone attack may come has been very life altering. Thank you again for the great customer service and the ingenuity!
Martin L | January 2023
“Kidney C.O.P. works”
I have been taking kidney cop for 5 years now and not had another stone since. Normally I had them at least every 2 years. I HAVE HAD KIDNEY STONES 15 TIMES since my early 30’s and I should have 15 children to show for the pain. (It feels a lot like labor pain) just to give the guys somewhat of an example. Kidney Cop works ! It works!
Amazon Shopper | June 19, 2022
“Kidney C.O.P. is a literal life saver”
First let me say that Kidney Cop is a literal life saver for me. I started taking it last year when I found out I had a 17mm stone that was causing me huge pain. What I did not know at the time was that I also had kidney cancer. I had to have the kidney removed and the doctor was worried about my remaining kidney because I’m prone to stones.
By the time I had the kidney removed, I had been taking Kidney Cop for about 3 months. The pathology report showed a very rare type of cancer that has a 10% survival rate but because the stone caused me so much pain…
Cassandra Villianos | June 9 2022
“Best treatment option out there for calcium oxalate stones!”
Brace yourselves; a long and detailed review is coming. Let me start by saying I am a 33 year old female of all of 104 pounds and have been dealing with SERIOUS oxalate issues since my early 20s (for reasons, modern medicine of course, just “can’t figure out”….what’s new there?) and by serious I don’t mean I get a kidney stone or 2 a year or have had 1 or 2 lithotripsies or even that I have experienced the joy of having a stone LODGED in my ureter.
Visit the Reviews page for the unbelievable full story
Erica Yaworski | November 19, 2021
“I will take it till I die! Thank you so much! Changed my life”
I’ve produced kidney stones for 40 years. Last June I became aware of more stones and an X-ray showed a 6mm & a 4 mm in the right kidney and multiple smaller 1-2 mm in the left.
I began taking Kidney COP and my MRI in August showed the 6 had become a 5mm and the 4mm was now a 3mm. A couple months later I passed…
Leslie B. Glesmann | January 19, 2021
“I’m not having any kidney stone pain”
I started a job in 2015 where my desk was about 20 feet away from a drink machine. The machine had Fuze strawberry iced tea. It taste really great, and I drank about four bottles per day while at work.
Within five months the oxalates in the tea coated my kidneys interior so badly that I urinated blood and a CAT scan showed I had 22…
Tom Sawyer | January 16, 2021
“NO Stones!”
I’ve been taking these about a year now and can say I believe they are helping. I had X-rays done about 14 months ago with a 6 mm stone in my right kidney. 3 months ago had another X-ray and they can no longer see that stone. I was seeing my urologist every 6 months now he says once a year should be good. I was…
CRD | October 27, 2020
“It really works for me!”
Prior to finding Kidney C.O.P. I was having Kidney Stone attacks 4 to 5 times a year. Approximately 18 months ago I started taking Kidney C.O.P. and I haven’t had an attack since! I don’t have to tell you I don’t miss the pain, nausea and sweats that came with each attack. I highly recommend it.
James T. Casey | October 5, 2020
“This stuff WORKS!”
This stuff works. Eliminated 17 stones in 12 months. Verified with an ultrasound. My doctor could not believe it.
RJSLAS | May 26, 2020
“Really Works for calcium oxalate kidney stones!”
I am a 68 year old retired chiropractor who has always been into nutrition and supplements. My kidneys have been making calcium oxalate stones since 1990. My 29 year old son also has the same problem and we both agree, this formula really works!
Keep your meat protein low and your water intake high and your stones will…
John C | April 7, 2020
“Feeling great. I asked my urologist about this product.”
This is a life saver! This will keep the kidney stones away. I had my attack on Nov 29,2017. After difficult surgery and stent removal, now finally feeling great thanks to Kidney COP.
I asked my urologist about this product and showed her the bottle and she said “looks great, includes supplements I would have suggested to include…
Tami Stickney | March 14, 2018
“I am a doctor and highly recommend this product.”
I suffer from kidney stones periodically. I am a physician so as such did a lot of research before taking the plunge into preventative treatments. This product is one I highly recommend.
It uses safe and naturally-found active ingredients that have been proven and has the studies to back it. It’s the real deal. Product is made in…
Dr Huebner | December 27, 2017
“I have not had stones in over 2 years!”
I had my first kidney stones about 12 years ago. I was having lithotripsy on both kidneys about every 9 to 12 months. It was a nightmare! I found these on Amazon and after reading the reviews I decided I had nothing to lose. I have not had stones in over 2 years. I will keep taking ! I highly recommend.
Kim | April 13, 2020
I cannot even begin to explain how MAGICAL these pills are! Unfortunately, I have congenital MSK (medullary sponge kidney), a condition that makes me more prone to forming an insane amount of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
I first had 14 kidney stones bilaterally when I was about 18 years old. I’d be in and out of the ER for…
Yoyo | July 5, 2020
“Works as advertised.”
I had seven (7) large kidney stones about 7 years ago that required two (2) lithotripsy procedures to break up. Six months ago I started having that familiar kidney pain and have five (5) more small stone. I was basically told by to just tough it out and wait till they pass by two different urologists. Living on pain pills to dull…
Patrick | December 1, 2018
“Since taking Kidney COP, I have not had kidney stones!”
After experiencing regular bouts with kidney stones, and on the advice of a doctor friend, I started taking Kidney COP a couple of months ago.
Since taking Kidney COP, I have not had kidney stones! It is an amazing product and I highly recommend it.
Susan D | April 17, 2020
“Kidney Stone relief.”
My third bottle of the Kidney COP and so far I haven’t had any recurring of kidney stones. After four episodes and surgeries of kidney stones I had to do something and a friend told me about the KIDNEY COP and so far it’s working great, I will stay on it forever and it’s not expensive at all and worth every penny.
Julianna Shaffer | December 22, 2017
“IT WORKS !!! Chanca Piedra did NOT!”
Tried the Chianca Piedra prior to this for two months and did nothing. Doctor told me I had 3 kidney stones and may require surgery since one was more than 6 mm. Bought Kidney COP and within a week, one (of the three) kidney stones I had came out and looked smoothed out (I usually get the spikey or thorny stones). After two…
J. Port | November 5, 2018
“Amazing product!”
I didn’t buy this for kidney stones, I bought it to minimize calcium oxalate which is a suspected culprit in aggravating interstitial cystitis and vulvodynia.
I had a severe flare-up of these conditions a few weeks ago and took to the internet to find out if there were new developments in treating it. One theory is that calcium oxalate…
CC | October 18, 2018
“Medullary Sponge Cystic Kidneys (MSK) or Oxilate Stones Must Try – Updated 2019”
Much Thanks to this product!! I suffer from Medullary sponge cystic kidneys for 30yrs now an have had 13 kidney surgeries an usually pass 4-6 stones monthly. Along with blood an sand in my urine always.
Since using this product I have…
Lori Esposito | November 20, 2018
“Kidney COP is a good preventive measure for stones”
Kidney COP is a good preventive measure. It’s a good preventive measure for kidney stones. My doctor has told me and I have also read that if one gets a kidney stone, chances are they will get another one. I have changed my diet as that may be a partial reason, as well as taking Kidney Cop.
It’s been a year since I had a kidney…
airplaneguy53 | April 18, 2019
“Actually works to reduce the occurrence of renal calculi.”
This product is easy to take II PO Q12h (orally every 12 hours). No recognizable side effect. I’ve tried everything advertised on the internet and prescribed by Urologists. This is the only thing that has actually worked to reduce the occurrence of renal calculi.
Dr. Frank Anders Orthopedics | January 2020
See even more Reviews from people just like you that have experienced the amazing health benefits of Kidney C.O.P.®
Supplement Facts & Ingredients

Kidney C.O.P.® Patented Formulation Contains Clinically Researched Ingredients****
Active Ingredients: Pyridoxine HCl, Magnesium Citrate, Citric Acid, Phytin (Inositol) and Musa Paradisiaca.
Kidney C.O.P.® Five Active Ingredients have been shown to reduce the formation and rate of growth of calcium oxalate stones and crystals by 99%.*
We Stand
by Our Product

Order with Confidence with Kidney C.O.P.’s® 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied, a full purchase price refund will be paid for the return of your most recent bottle purchased.