
How Much Water Should I Drink With Calcium Oxalate Crystal Stone Challenges?

How much water do you have to drink if you have Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones? While the thought of consuming anything while you’re suffering can seem unbearable, it’s important to maintain hydration levels when you have Calcium Oxalate Crystal stone challenges. While water is the best option, there are several drinks for Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones. that can help you to stay hydrated. Here’s a guide to how to use hydration to help keep Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones at bay.

Hydration during Kidney Stones

Why Is It Good To Drink Water If You Have Calcium Oxalate Crystal Stones?

The simple answer is that water helps to flush out substances from your kidneys that contribute to Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones.. Lower water intake results in lower urine output. When we’re not urinating as frequently as we should be, the body doesn’t get a chance to purge excess salts, minerals, and other molecules. When left behind, these things can all bond together to form crystals that become large, sometimes painful Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones that may be difficult to pass. Staying hydrated may even help you even if you’ve already developed a Calcium Oxalate Crystal stone. The extra water may move the stone through the urinary tract to allow it to pass without the need for medical intervention.

The bottom line is that it’s never too soon to start drinking more water for Calcium Oxalate Crystal stone challenges! While staying hydrated daily helps decrease your risk for developing Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones, drinking plenty of water once you suspect that you already have a Calcium Oxalate Crystal stone may enable you to pass the stone without drama.

What Are The Best Drinks For Calcium Oxalate Crystal Stones?

Plain water is the best drink for Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones. Why is it good to drink water? Water is free of sugars, minerals, and oxalates that could increase risks for Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones. It’s also the most hydrating and refreshing option out there. If you’re having any trouble getting plain water down, consider using sparkling water or carbonated water to stay hydrated. Just make sure you’re not purchasing flavored waters with added sugars, calories, or artificial ingredients.

You can also consider squeezing some lemon, lime, or grapefruit into your plain water to add flavor. Citrus fruits have been shown in some studies to help in stopping the formation of  Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones. Finally, some lemonade products on the market contain high levels of a substance called citrate that is known to help break down Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones but you want to watch the sugar intake as that can cause issues so it is best to consume lemonade made with a sugar substitute if lemonade is your drink of choice.

How Much Water Do You Have To Drink For Calcium Oxalate Crystal Stones Challenges?

How many drinks for Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones challenges do you need daily? The general recommendation for adults is to drink a minimum of 8 six ounce glasses of water spread throughout the day to help stop the formation of Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones. Some of that liquid can come from citric juices and coffee. However, you should aim to make water your primary source of hydration!

The reason why you need drinks for Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones chalneges  is that fluids that you consume help to replace the fluids that are lost through urination. When we aren’t replenishing the water that we lose, we aren’t able to produce the amount of urine needed to flush out substances that form crystals or small crystals that have formed from the urinary tract.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to chug water after you realize that you have a Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones. Ideally, a daily total of eight to 10 drinks for Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones  should be consumed as part of your normal routine. Do your best to sip water slowly throughout the day to ensure that you’re properly regulating your hydration. If you work out intensely, you may find that you need more than 8 to 10 glasses of water per day to stay adequately hydrated. The bottom line is that fitting in enough drinks for Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones  will help to boost your kidney health, help stop the formation of Calcium Oxalate Crystals, and make you feel healthier in many different ways. Don’t forget that you should also be adjusting your diet if you’ve developed Calcium Oxalate Crystal stones.

Kidney Stone Foods to avoid & Foods to Eat

Causes Kidney stones

Crystals are caused by crystal forming substances like of minerals, such as calcium oxalate. Read this blog to know more!