
Client Testimonials

People Just Like You Who Have Experienced
the Amazing Health Benefits of Kidney C.O.P.®!

Surgery was Cancelled!Jason Burley - January 2025

I honestly think taking Kidney C.O.P. got rid of a stone that was discovered in my ureter during an X-ray back in November, and it did it without any pain or even me knowing it was gone! I had surgery scheduled for early January and assumed the stone was still there since I didn’t see or feel any signs it had passed. Amazingly It wasn’t on my pre surgery CT scan the week before and surgery was cancelled! Not sure how else to explain it other than a miracle. Thank you Kidney C.O.P.!

Sceptic to believer!Mick Irvin - November 2024

This product works great, I have been using it for years now. It really has done its job, so far, I have not had a problem with kidney stones. Well, worth the money.

Great Product for Stones Dee Y. - September 2024

So far so good. The science behind this is rock solid and i have ordered multiple times. I will take everyday going forward.

WOW this WORKS!!!!!Cindy - September 2024

I am a retired ICU nurse was always helping others but Now I needed help!!! My urologist recommended “Kidney Cop” So I took them every AM & PM before my meals as directed with absolutely No Issues! I drank lots of water as well! And it WORKED!!!! My discomfort subsided, and my flow improved ! I am just so VERY PLEASED and GRATEFUL!!! Kidney Cop you have a customer for life!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Great Product!January 2024

This product works great, I have been using it for years now. It really has done its job, so far, I have not had a problem with kidney stones. Well, worth the money.

After 1 full year, Kidney COP works!September 2023

I wanted to wait 1 year before I reviewed to see if Kidney Cop worked for me and the results are in. I passed my last Kidney Stone and my largest Kidney Stone about 1 year ago this month (September 2022). It was about a 6 mm and it took weeks to pass it. Pain (sometimes excruciating) would come and go over the course of the process and I would just endure it as I have my entire life of having KS’s. I did visit the ER in the beginning when I didn’t know what was happening and I thought I might be dying way back in my late teens and early 20’s. I am almost 60 now. I would go on to have several per year every year and they were mostly small passable stones. The 6 mm stone was the last straw. It was slow moving and determined to take me out. I even saw a urologist on this one but opted to pass it rather than have surgery to remove it. I bought some Kidney Cop and I have been stone free for 1 year now. I read some of the other reviews and the review by Joseph S is as close to my experience, so you should read his as well.
I don’t know if it is for everyone but so far it works for me.

What did I have to lose?July 2023

This stuff makes your stones break loose and dissolve. They don’t hurt as bad to pass because the stones get a little softer/mushier around the edges. I have lost count of how many I have passed on my first bottle of this. It was a God-sent product for me. I do not plan to let myself run out of this product and will continue a maintenance dose to keep from getting stones again.

Great Product!Jan Forbes - April 2023

Have been taking C.O.P. for several years & it has saved me from kidney stones! I had suffered from kidney stones in the past, but this product has been instrumental in stopping the stones! I would highly recommend C.O.P.

2 years 4 months and stone free, no pain.WEC - April 2023

Stones for almost 50 years. At least 3 stone attacks a year. Started taking Kidney Cop 2 years 4 months ago. Have had NO stone attacks. Worth a $1.00 a day. 2 capsules in morning with meal. 2 in the evening with meal.
Wished I knew about this product sooner.

Amazing!R. Asking - April 2023

I had developed calcium oxylate crystals, that felt like shards of glass passing, practically every day. After using this product, I’m surprised if I start passing crystals after 2 weeks or at all. I’m really happy about this product as my doctor didn’t give me any prescription or therapy.

I did visit the ER in the beginning when I didn’t know what was happening and I thought I might be dying way back in my late teens and early 20’s. I am almost 60 now. I would go on to have several per year every year and they were mostly small passable stones.

The 6 mm stone was the last straw. It was slow moving and determined to take me out. I even saw a urologist on this one but opted to pass it rather than have surgery to remove it. I bought some Kidney C.O.P. and I have been stone free for 1 year now. I read some of the other reviews and the review by Joseph S. is as close to my experience, so you should read his as well. I don’t know if it is for everyone but so far it works for me.

After 1 Full Year Kidney C.O.P.® Works!Brad C. - September 2023

I wanted to wait 1 year before I reviewed to see if Kidney C.O.P. worked for me and the results are in. I passed my last Kidney Stone and my largest Kidney Stone about 1 year ago this month (September 2022). It was about a 6 mm and it took weeks to pass it. Pain (sometimes excruciating) would come and go over the course of the process and I would just endure it as I have my entire life of having kidney stones.

I did visit the ER in the beginning when I didn’t know what was happening and I thought I might be dying way back in my late teens and early 20’s. I am almost 60 now. I would go on to have several per year every year and they were mostly small passable stones.

The 6 mm stone was the last straw. It was slow moving and determined to take me out. I even saw a urologist on this one but opted to pass it rather than have surgery to remove it. I bought some Kidney C.O.P. and I have been stone free for 1 year now. I read some of the other reviews and the review by Joseph S. is as close to my experience, so you should read his as well. I don’t know if it is for everyone but so far it works for me.

It Works!Sandra Warren - June 2023

After having 5 surgeries and 4 hospitalizations in the last 3 years, I tried Kidney C.O.P.

My last visit with urologist had no new stones!

I’m sold!

I No Longer Have Kidney Pain from Stones.Heather - May 2023

I started taking this product a short time after having a kidney stone removed.

Since taking this product I haven’t had any problems from kidney stones and a great bonus is increased energy!

I love this product!

5 Years Stone Free!!!JJM CPA - April 2023

Started taking this daily in 2017 after an 11mm stone in 2015 and a 7mm stone in 2017, both of which had to be extracted. A very unpleasant experience if you haven’t experienced it yourself. Have had no stones since and take only 2 capsules every morning. I’d swear that the medical profession won’t tell you about this stuff because it would put them out of business.

After 40 years of kidney stones finally something that actually works!Joseph S. - April 2023

For 40 years, starting when I was 16, I’ve had kidney stone at least annually, sometimes twice a year. I’ve passed them, had lithotripsy and have had them extracted. I usually have them between September and January every year like clockwork. I exercise 5 days a week, changed my diet to all but eliminate anything that can contribute to the formation of stones and yet my body keeps producing them. I’ve tried every stone “breaker” I could find to help minimize the discomfort or pain that the stones bring.

I started taking Kidney COP in September of 2022 when I first heard about it. I honestly held very little hope that it would actually work. In January of 2023 I had the first sign of a stone, cloudy urine. I knew a stone was heading out I just didn’t know how big it would be. I know the drill so I called my urologist and let them know and they suggested to wait for pain or discomfort before going in for a visit. I continued to take Kidney COP and waited for the discomfort. The pain never came, not even slight discomfort. On April 1, 2023 I passed the stone, approximately a 5mm stone. What’s interesting about this stone is when I picked it up out of the toilet it was brittle and falling apart, not like any stone I’ve ever had in the past. And I noticed small “sand” in the toilet bowel with it indicating it had been breaking up when I passed it. Clear urine since passing it.

I’m not sure how or why Kidney COP works, all I know is it works for me. It’s not cheap but a heck of a lot cheaper than a visit to the ER or urologist’s office. If you’re a regular “kidney stoner” like me I highly recommend Kidney COP.

I have not had stones in over 2 years!Thomas Powell - February 2023

I started taking Kidney COP, over 2 years ago. I used to get stones about once every year to year and 1/2. I initially spoke to my urologist about this, he po poed it. Since I’ve been taking I have not had a stone. If I do not have to see my urologist again, it is well worth it

Excellent product, this stuff works!Opie - February 2023

Won’t try to write a book here, but I have had a long history of kidney stones (over 30+years – 10 stones). This stuff works. I’m glad to testify on behalf of this product. I have recommended it to family and friends for several years now, many of whom have told me of their success in using this product. Been using Kidney COP going on five years now. It’s the only thing that I do different in my life style, and it works for me. Spoke to my Urologist on a couple of different occasions and he looked up the product and told me if I was having success with it to keep it up. I see my Urologist for semi-annual checkups.

After 24 growth of existing stones and no new stones!Martin L. - January 2023

I am very pleased with Kidney C.O.P. After suffering a kidney stone attack that required hospitalization in the beginning of 2020, I decided to start taking this supplement. The surgery took care of the “big one”, but I still did have two small stones, one in each kidney. After two years along with a recent visit to my urologist, these stones have not increased in size and there were no other ones detected. What’s funny is that I even own a health food company and prefer to use this product instead the other supplements/herbs that I normally sell in our retail stores…that’s how much I believe in this product (hoping to carry this soon in our stores!). I am very thankful that Mr. Hayer developed this formula. It’s not very often that a supplement comes along and changes your life for the better. Not worrying about when the next kidney stone attack may come has been very life altering. Thank you again for the great customer service and the ingenuity!

WOW! This product is remarkable. Tori - January 2023

This product is remarkable my husband recommend it to me because of my constant fight with kidney stones along with kidney issues in general and he insisted i try it was hesitant at first just due to I’ve tried many things without relief and I don’t care for pills either but when they arrived I started to take them 2 days after starting them I instantly started to pass the stones that were there and I was pissed thought it failed again a day later I have never felt more relief then I have had in 5 years, I have been taking them a month now everyday and no stones no pain and honestly more energy then I’ve had in a long time… there isn’t a taste to them and a slight smell which I’m thankful for. My brother who also fights the same as me after I told him about them he instantly ordered as well

Great Supplement for preventing kidney stones. Georgia Peach - December 2022

I tried Kidney Cop because I have history of chronic kidney stones. I have been taking this supplement for a year. I haven’t had any kidney stones or kidney infection since I began taking this. I have no side effects and will definitely continue taking this supplement. I would highly recommend to anyone who wants to prevent calcium oxalate kidney stones.

Kidney C.O.P.® dissolves calcium oxalate stones! Rodney W. - December 2022

After only two weeks, I passed one of my stones. It was smooth and round. I have passed over 40 stones and this was one of the easiest stones ever. I also noticed my urine doesn’t burn anymore, and my chronic kidney ache is gone!! My kidney function was in decline, and I will report back after my new test results. But I suspect that my kidneys are functioning better. I feel healthier. Apparently kidney stone producers have an elevated PH. Kidney COP balances our PH level and that inhibits crystallization of calcium oxilate stones. I was not paid or asked to write this review. I have shared this information with everyone who will listen. Oh, I also started Chanca Piedra at the same time. I take both as directed. I think they work well together. But Kidney COP is backed by science and reviews. I will taper off to 2 capsules once a day, but I will never stop taking Kidney COP.

Can I give it six stars?Brandon Clayton - June 2022

This stuff makes your stones break loose and dissolve. They don’t hurt as bad to pass because the stones get a little softer/mushier around the edges. I have lost count of how many I have passed on my first bottle of this. It was a God-sent product for me. I do not plan to let myself run out of this product and will continue a maintenance dose to keep from getting stones again.

A life saver and money saver! Troy - November 2022

I have suffered with kidney stones since I was a teenager. I’ve been in the hospital multiple times over the years with kidney stone issues. My urologist would never give me any medication to help with my stones either. So I researched it myself and came across kidney cop. After reading the reviews I decided to give it a shot. The second day of taking it I passed probably around 9 little stone’s. Since then I was sold on kidney cop. I feel like it has helped me so much. My kidneys feel better and this is one thing I feel is worth the money. If it keeps me out of the ER then it’s money well spent!

Life Changer! Shara Keller - September 2022

I, like many, was skeptical when my husband saw the infomercial. After a lot of research and doing everything and taking everything my urologist prescribed with no relief. (I was passing kidney stones AT LEAST 4 days a week for almost a year straight with frequent trips to an urgent care or ER because some were very large and completely unbearable painwise) I ordered my first bottle. By the time I ordered my 2nd bottle, I had passed maybe 4 total with minimal pain. And for the record I had already changed my diet, etc., and had lost over 138 pounds on my own with no surgery or medications. I’m now on my 4th bottle fixing to order my 5th and this here is life changer! I have passed NO stones now for about a month now and I don’t feel like I have been kicked in the kidneys by Chuck Norris. If anyone is as skeptical as I was, try a bottle or 2! I can attest that this stuff works and I will continue taking it.

Kidney C.O.P.® works Amazon Shopper - June 2022

I have been taking kidney cop for 5 years now and not had another stone since. Normally I had them at least every 2 years. I HAVE HAD KIDNEY STONES 15 TIMES since my early 30’s and I should have 15 children to show for the pain. (It feels a lot like labor pain) just to give the guys somewhat of an example. Kidney Cop works ! It works!

Kidney C.O.P.® is a literal life saver Cassandra Villianos - June 2022

First let me say that Kidney Cop is a literal life saver for me. I started taking it last year when I found out I had a 17mm stone that was causing me huge pain. What I did not know at the time was that I also had kidney cancer. I had to have the kidney removed and the doctor was worried about my remaining kidney because I’m prone to stones.

By the time I had the kidney removed, I had been taking Kidney Cop for about 3 months. The pathology report showed a very rare type of cancer that has a 10% survival rate but because the stone caused me so much pain, I had a CT scan which allowed the doctor to catch the cancer while it was still at stage 1. I am completely cured.

The stone that was removed from my cancerous kidney shrunk from 17mm in July to a centimeter in October when I had the kidney removed at the Cleveland Clinic in Weston. My doctor was impressed and instructed me to remain on Kidney Cop because another kidney stone in my remaining kidney could be life threatening.

Best treatment option out there for calcium oxalate stones! Erica Yaworski - November 2021

Brace yourselves; a long and detailed review is coming. Let me start by saying I am a 33 year old female of all of 104 pounds and have been dealing with SERIOUS oxalate issues since my early 20s (for reasons, modern medicine of course, just “can’t figure out”….what’s new there?) and by serious I don’t mean I get a kidney stone or 2 a year or have had 1 or 2 lithotripsies or even that I have experienced the joy of having a stone LODGED in my ureter.

What I mean by serious is I’ve had 4-5 lithotripsies, several laser surgeries and stents as well as 6985995 GIANT (dime size!) kidney stones and hospital stays. I also have issues with my heart and other organs as a result of continuous oxalate toxicity in my body as well. My last round of surgery came after 2 other surgeries and a stent failed to solve the problem and involved an actual nephrologist and him contemplating whether just REMOVING my kidney is better (OBVIOUSLY, it’s NOT!).

Instead they cut into my kidney to essentially vacuum it which ended up with me almost dying and having what is basically just a plastic bag for a kidney for a few weeks. It also resulted in ZERO improvement in terms of how I FELT and ensured I will NEVER turn to modern medicine for my kidney troubles again.

That all being said, when my father told me he saw an infomercial for an all natural product he thought might really help me, to say I was skeptical is an understatement. I think my exact response was “ok ya right”. But then he yelled at me and I passed a GIANT stone so I actually did….try it, that is.

I had tried EVERYTHING prior to this and as the years go by my kidneys only get worse. (I actually have stones in both kidneys). Occasionally I find a product that helps with the pain or the passing of stones or prevents the ones that get lodged from infecting my kidney and killing me dead but until this product that was BEST CASE SCENARIO for any and all of the more natural options.

Dietary changes like drinking more water or lemonade have had almost no impact. I never ate many foods containing oxalates to begin with, so I didn’t have to stop eating them. I had literally tried it all and done all the things right and yet, still I was sick and dying and truly felt I had exhausted all my options.

I have waited 3 MONTHS before reviewing this product. I have stopped taking it for a few days a few times to determine if the results I was seeing are just a result of better health or this product. I have watched with my mouth gaping open several times as this product takes effect and wondered to myself if this can really be real.

Despite seeing and experiencing it WITH MY OWN EYES AND BODY I still find it hard to believe how amazing this stuff is. I, like all of you, read all the reviews before buying and thought to myself perhaps this company gives you $20 free dollars in Amazon credit to leave a five star review or something like so many others (they don’t give you any $ FYI lol).

But after trying it and having the experience with it that I have had, I can honestly say (at least for me) that this stuff is the CURE. Not a temporary solution to a never ending problem or a means by which to cover up the symptoms but a CURE. And I don’t use that term lightly. In fact, like everyone else I had finally bought into the idea that this is just my life now for eternity.

Fast forward to now, almost 3 full bottles into this MIRACLE product…… Upon beginning kidney cop, my kidney was again FULL of stones despite having said evil surgery only like a year ago. I knew that prior to taking this because I was having issues with large ones trying to pass and felt completely and utterly like poo 24/7!

I began to feel better almost immediately upon taking this, though I will say, like many others I do not always digest the shell of them very well…. but this matters not! I then began to feel worse, like I had a giant blob of crap infecting my kidney (I did lol) so I added in some goldenseal root to my daily kidney cop and the infection ceased (THIS IS IMPORTANT TO DO WITH THIS PRODUCT IF YOU HAVE LARGE STONES OR A LOT OF STONES. It WILL move your stones and break them up. They CAN infect your kidney as a result if you skip this as it’s like an avalanche in terms of effectiveness and depending on how big or how many stones you have that can actually be TOO much without proper precautions).

Shortly after this I began to feel better again and feel sensations in my kidneys that reminded me of pop rocks…that Little Rock candy that sort of explodes if you stick it into soda…… what followed was a bit of a rough few weeks, I’m not going to lie, but rough is relative and in comparison to the experiences I’ve had prior to this just passing ONE stone, this experience was a DREAM COME TRUE, ok.

So, perspective. Now, what came out so far you want to know? Oh…just about like 200 kidney stones or so!!!

I’m attaching photos because I know you’ll not believe me. I don’t believe me and I have personally peed them out. Sorry the pic is gross but the proof is in the pudding, as they say.

Needless to say, I feel SO MUCH BETTER now that all that is NOT IN MY KIDNEY and this stuff did an AMAZING job at breaking it into easily passable pieces. It’s still breaking up more stuff in there.

My hope is that once all the stones have been expelled (obviously that has to happen first) that it will prevent the formation of more as it says. I truly believe it will.

I also believe this product should be in EVERY UROLOGY OFFICE ON EARTH!!! I wish I had found this stuff first and not last, it would have easily saved me soooo much surgery, sickness and agony!!

If you have oxalate issues, try it! It works!!! And it truly makes having these issues a million billion times more manageable and less unpleasant.

I will take it till I die! Thank you so much! Changed my life Leslie B. Glesmann - January 2021

I’ve produced kidney stones for 40 years. Last June I became aware of more stones and an X-ray showed a 6mm & a 4 mm in the right kidney and multiple smaller 1-2 mm in the left.

I began taking Kidney COP and my MRI in August showed the 6 had become a 5mm and the 4mm was now a 3mm. A couple months later I passed the 5mm…ZERO pain! My annual KUB this past October ( 16 months later) showed NO CALCULI in either kidney!

I will take it till I die!!! Thank you so much!! Changed my life. After 6 lithotripsies and many stents I can breath easy!!

Sounded to good to be true, but Thanking God that it is legit!

I’m not having any kidney stone pain ”Tom Sawyer - January 2021

I started a job in 2015 where my desk was about 20 feet away from a drink machine. The machine had Fuze strawberry iced tea. It taste really great, and I drank about four bottles per day while at work.

Within five months the oxalates in the tea coated my kidneys interior so badly that I urinated blood and a CAT scan showed I had 22 kidney stones. A few months later I was told that I was at 62% kidney function and was in stage three kidney failure, from drinking tea. The oxalates in tea create calcium oxalate kidney stones and because I drank a lot of it, it coated the interior of my kidneys with oxalates and I was still passing stones 4 1/2 years later.

I’ve passed in the range of 80 to 100 kidney stones. Every morning when I wake up and have to pee, it smells really bad because my kidneys are not fully functioning. I saw the advertisement on television for this product and decided to give it a try. I had some kidney stone pain at the time but nothing severe. I pass a lot of tiny ones that are just uncomfortable. Within a few weeks the discomfort went away and the bad smell in my urine also is gone. I’m not having any kidney stone pain, which is a blessing because 4 1/2 years of passing kidney stones is somewhat of a living hell.

I will be seeing my urologist soon and asking for a blood test to see what’s going on. I’d like to see if maybe my kidney function might have improved from taking this product. I will update this when I have information to share.

NO Stones! CRD - October 2020

I’ve been taking these about a year now and can say I believe they are helping. I had X-rays done about 14 months ago with a 6 mm stone in my right kidney. 3 months ago had another X-ray and they can no longer see that stone. I was seeing my urologist every 6 months now he says once a year should be good. I was having to have these stones removed manually in surgery approximately every two years or so for the past 18 years. I also changed my diet to eliminate almost all oxalates. I take the kidney Cop every day twice a day and lemon or lime juice in the morning.

It really works for me! James T. Casey -October 2020

Prior to finding Kidney C.O.P. I was having Kidney Stone attacks 4 to 5 times a year. Approximately 18 months ago I started taking Kidney C.O.P. and I haven’t had an attack since! I don’t have to tell you I don’t miss the pain, nausea and sweats that came with each attack. I highly recommend it.


I cannot even begin to explain how MAGICAL these pills are! Unfortunately, I have congenital MSK (medullary sponge kidney), a condition that makes me more prone to forming an insane amount of calcium oxalate kidney stones.

I first had 14 kidney stones bilaterally when I was about 18 years old. I’d be in and out of the ER for pain meds and to just be discharged home with a huge bill and a terrible experience.

I then followed up with an excellent urologist who recommended this to me. At first, I was hesitant because I just didn’t trust these random things you find online claiming to help. Yet, both my dad, a pharmacist who explained the chemical mechanism of these pills, and my urologist kept recommending it. Fine, I gave it a try and would take them every 2-3 days, definitely not religiously, but certainly every once in a while as a preventative approach to my stones.

I just followed up with my urologist and he told me that my XRays were all clear! Genuinely couldn’t believe it! After 5 years of forming at least 16 stones every summer, I am now clear of them 1 year later after using this product.

PLEASE GIVE THIS A TRY! I promise you, you are almost guaranteed to see MAGICAL (but actually medical, and scientifically backed research) results! Yay to preventative approaches rather than dealing with the pain when the stones arrive!

This stuff WORKS! RJSLAS - May 2020
This stuff works. Eliminated 17 stones in 12 months. Verified with an ultrasound. My doctor could not believe it.
I have not gotten a kidney stone for over 2 years Thomas Powell - February, 2023

I started taking Kidney COP, over 2 years ago. I used to get stones about once every year to year and 1/2. I initially spoke to my urologist about this, he po poed it. Since I’ve been taking I have not had a stone. If I do not have to see my urologist again, it is well worth it

Really Works for calcium oxalate kidney stones! John C - April 2020

I am a 68 year old retired chiropractor who has always been into nutrition and supplements. My kidneys have been making calcium oxalate stones since 1990. My 29 year old son also has the same problem and we both agree, this formula really works!

Keep your meat protein low and your water intake high and your stones will dissolve with this product.

My nephrologist confirmed it when comparing 2 kidney scans taken months apart while I was taking it! And no leg muscle spasms as when you try potassium citrate!

This product really does the job. We can’t tell you how pleased we are! Use as directed, be patient and use a heating pad on your kidneys. By all means get a diagnosis from a doctor and if your pain is kidney stones then I highly recommend Kidney C.O.P. !

Since taking Kidney C.O.P.®, I have not had kidney stones! Susan D - April 2020

After experiencing regular bouts with kidney stones, and on the advice of a doctor friend, I started taking Kidney COP a couple of months ago.

Since taking Kidney COP, I have not had kidney stones! It is an amazing product and I highly recommend it.

Actually works to reduce the occurrence of renal calculi. Dr. Frank Anders Orthopedics - January 2020

This product is easy to take II PO Q12h (orally every 12 hours). No recognizable side effect. I’ve tried everything advertised on the internet and prescribed by Urologists. This is the only thing that has actually worked to reduce the occurrence of renal calculi.

Kidney C.O.P.® is a good preventive measure for stones airplaneguy53 - April 2019

Kidney COP is a good preventive measure. It’s a good preventive measure for kidney stones. My doctor has told me and I have also read that if one gets a kidney stone, chances are they will get another one. I have changed my diet as that may be a partial reason, as well as taking Kidney Cop.

It’s been a year since I had a kidney stone, which was the only time I had one. Not a good experience, but Kidney Cop seems to do the trick. Thanks Kidney COP.

Works as advertised. Patrick -December 2018

I had seven (7) large kidney stones about 7 years ago that required two (2) lithotripsy procedures to break up. Six months ago I started having that familiar kidney pain and have five (5) more small stone. I was basically told by to just tough it out and wait till they pass by two different urologists. Living on pain pills to dull the pain was not my idea of a good time and wasn’t conducive with my 60 to 70 hour work weeks.

I heard about Kidney Cop on the Sirius XM station my wife listens to and after a visit to their website decided this was worth a try. About a week after I started taking them I noticed that I was discharging some sandy material and a very small stone every 5 to 7 days. I have noticed a big difference the last week with almost no pain and have been able to reduce the pain medication by more than half and some days I don’t even need it.

I recommend that anyone that has issues with kidney stones gives kidney cop a try. I am setting up auto ship on mine today.

IT WORKS !!! Chanca Piedra did NOT! J. Port - November 2018

Tried the Chianca Piedra prior to this for two months and did nothing. Doctor told me I had 3 kidney stones and may require surgery since one was more than 6 mm. Bought Kidney COP and within a week, one (of the three) kidney stones I had came out and looked smoothed out (I usually get the spikey or thorny stones). After two weeks, a bigger kidney stone came out (it was between 5mm to 6mm in diameter) but it was also smoothed out (not spikey). This happened two days before my pre-op briefing.

Brought the stones to the doctor and she was amazed. Doctor did a CT-scan and told me that, as a result, no surgery is required. Showed her the Kidney COP and Chianca Piedra. She recommended to continue taking Kidney COP and stop the Chianca Piedra. I have one more stone but the doctor said that it looks like it is getting smaller.

I am taking Kidney COP daily now. THIS ACTUALLY WORKS. Thanks and God bless.

Medullary Sponge Cystic Kidneys (MSK) or Oxilate Stones Must Try Lori Esposito - November 2018

Much Thanks to this product!! I suffer from Medullary sponge cystic kidneys for 30yrs now an have had 13 kidney surgeries an usually pass 4-6 stones monthly. Along with blood an sand in my urine always.

Since using this product I have stopped using a prescription flomax an no longer wake up 6x a night to urinate an Im not peein out a sandbox, no more pain!! If u have oxalate stones or MSK u must try this product!!

– Update November 2019 – I have been using this wonderful product an I’m happy to say first the stones that do come out are smaller an smoother. Due to my disease the stones will never stop. I also have ultrasounds to counts stones every 6mths. I usually have anywhere from 10-15 stones in each kidney, but I now have 3-6!!

This is beyond amazing for someone who has suffered through hundreds of stones over the last 30 years an 13 surgeries an I cannot begin to explain the pain I have gone through.

I cannot THANK the makers of this product enough, I hope it helps many to not go through what I had too!

Amazing product! CC - October 2018

I didn’t buy this for kidney stones, I bought it to minimize calcium oxalate which is a suspected culprit in aggravating interstitial cystitis and vulvodynia.

I had a severe flare-up of these conditions a few weeks ago and took to the internet to find out if there were new developments in treating it. One theory is that calcium oxalate crystals in your urine, even though they are microscopic, have sharp edges like little shards of glass. They irritate the tissues that line your bladder, your urethra and in many cases, the surrounding areas such as the vulva and anus.

I was diagnosed 30 years ago and it blows my mind that little has been done since then to find treatment for this condition that can cause such severe irritation that just the touch of your underwear can be brutal, that can cause you to have to urinate 50-60 times a day and that can ruin your relationships and your life. To me, the calcium oxalate theory makes so much sense that I’m surprised the medical community hasn’t done more research into it and instead chooses in many times to dismiss these conditions as some sort of female hysteria.

Though I’ve never had my urine specifically tested for calcium oxalate, urinalysis shows that I do have blood (the non-visible type) in my urine, which can be a sign of calcium oxalate. Anyhow, I bought this product because I was in agony and saw from the reviews that it was very effective in calcium oxalate reduction. To be fair, I also bought and started using marshmallow root because that seems to many sufferers to soothe and heal the affected tissues.

After starting both, I immediately started to feel relief and I have not the slightest discomfort when urinating since. It may be kind of soon to attribute my relief to these products, but I certainly intend to continue them, as this is the best I have felt in 30 years.

I hope that my review will help others who may be in search of helpful products for these conditions.

Feeling great. I asked my urologist about this product. Tami Stickney - March 2018

This is a life saver! This will keep the kidney stones away. I had my attack on Nov 29,2017. After difficult surgery and stent removal, now finally feeling great thanks to Kidney COP.

I asked my urologist about this product and showed her the bottle and she said “looks great, includes supplements I would have suggested to include Magnesium, and B6.”

Kidney COP has been great for me. They have great research behind the product. I will definitely be ordering more soon.

Kidney Stone relief. Julianna Shaffer - December 2017

My third bottle of the Kidney COP and so far I haven’t had any recurring of kidney stones. After four episodes and surgeries of kidney stones I had to do something and a friend told me about the KIDNEY COP and so far it’s working great, I will stay on it forever and it’s not expensive at all and worth every penny.

I am a doctor and highly recommend this product. Dr Huebner - December 2017

I suffer from kidney stones periodically. I am a physician so as such did a lot of research before taking the plunge into preventative treatments. This product is one I highly recommend.

It uses safe and naturally-found active ingredients that have been proven and has the studies to back it. It’s the real deal. Product is made in the USA with high quality lab. I ordered on Amazon and received the product in 2 days.

Since using I am stone-free–will keep updating users. Combined with adequate water intake, I am anticipating great results. Highly recommend.