Many people suffer from the painful condition of oxalate crystals in urine, also known as kidney stones or calculus of kidney. These stones are painful and potentially dangerous, especially if they are too large to pass naturally. Stones may also move from the kidneys to other areas such as the ureter. If you’ve been diagnosed with this condition, you are naturally concerned about the best way to reduce calcium oxalate in urine.
Common Calculus of Kidney Symptoms
If you suspect you have oxalate crystals in urine, you should seek medical attention to confirm an accurate diagnosis. Some typical symptoms include:
● Pain, which may be severe, in the side, back or under the ribs.
● Painful urination.
● Unusual color in urine, such as red, brown or pink.
● Nausea or vomiting.
● Chills or fever.
The severity of your symptoms depends on the size of the stones as well as their placement. If you have symptoms such as severe pain, blood in urine, vomiting or fever you should seek immediate medical attention. In many cases, however, stones will either pass on their own or with assistance.
Options For Oxalate Crystals in Urine
There are several possible calcium oxalate in urine removal options. It’s worth noting that many smaller stones will pass naturally.
● Drink more water. For smaller stones, drinking more water may help stones pass and prevent new ones from forming.
● Pain medication. Even if stones pass naturally, they can be painful. Over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers can help.
● Medication to pass stones. Your doctor may prescribe medication to help kidney stones pass more easily. Alpha blockers are effective for this purpose.
● Surgery. When stones are too large to pass, you may need a surgical procedure to remove the stones.
Natural Options For Calculus of Kidney Symptoms
Many oxalate stones can be dealt with naturally. If you’re seeking kidney or ureteral stone removal without surgery, you have several options. In addition to consuming plenty of fluids, there are several herbs and supplements that can help manage or prevent oxalate crystals in urine.
Certain vitamins and minerals that are widely available support kidney and urinary tract health. Research suggests that high doses of Vitamin B6 inhibits calcium oxalate production. Similarly, magnesium citrate, often taken for heart health and as a laxative, may also be beneficial for the kidneys and urinary tract. Herbs such as cranberry, uva ursi and dandelion, whether taken in juice, capsule or tea form support urinary tract health and may help to manage high calcium oxalate crystals in urine.
People who are looking for natural kidney and urinary tract options may be confused by all the possibilities. While natural supplements can be very effective, it’s not always easy to create your own plan, deciding which remedies to take, where to buy them and the right dosage. It’s often more convenient to find a formula backed by solid research.
A Natural and Lab-Tested Kidney Supplement
There are many natural kidney remedies. For maximum benefit, however, it can be beneficial to look for a supplement that combines some of the most effective nutrients in a single formula. Kidney C.O.P., which stands for Calcium Oxalate Protector, contains a lab-tested and patented formula.. Studies show that the following active ingredients in the proper strengths have been shown to reduce calcium oxalate stones and crystal growth by 99%.
● Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine
● Magnesium Citrate
● Citric Acid
● Musa (Banana Stem) — The stem of bananas is rich in nutrients such as potassium and Vitamin B6.
● Phytin — Also known as phytic acid or inositol hexaphosphate, is a natural antioxidant found in certain vegetables and legumes.
When you have oxalate crystals, it’s important to find a plan that works for you. Make sure you follow the advice of your medical practitioner, drink plenty of water, and make any necessary lifestyle adjustments, such as improving your diet. In addition to this, a natural supplement can help you to feel better. For more information, visit