Are you down for the count just because you have oxalate stones? Many people wonder if they must stop exercising if they have oxalate stones. The answer can be complicated. First, it’s important to prioritize your health and well-being if you have oxalate stones. However, stopping your exercise routine just because you have oxalate stones could make your symptoms worse. Let’s talk about the truth about oxalate stones and exercise.

Do I Have to Stop Exercising Because I Have an Oxalate Stone?
No, you don’t need to stop exercising just because you have an oxalate stone. You should feel free to continue your gym routine if you suspect that an oxalate stone is making its way through your urinary system. However, it’s important to make sure you aren’t depleting or dehydrating your body while you’re struggling with a painful oxalate stone. You should consider resting if you’re experiencing intense pain, nausea, vomiting, or symptoms of infection. Additionally, you should make sure that you are replenishing liquids following a workout. Passing an oxalate stone can be more difficult if we are dehydrated.
Using Exercise for Oxalate Stone Removal
Physical activity can help you to pass your oxalate stone more easily. That’s because movement can help to “jostle” an oxalate stone that is lodged within the urinary tract.
Here are some suggestions for exercise to remove oxalate stone:
- Jogging
- Walking
- Cardio workouts
- Swimming
- Pilates, yoga, and stretching
It’s important to be realistic when it comes to using exercise to remove oxalate stones. While using exercise for oxalate stone removal may help to loosen up a oxalate stone, physical activity can only do so much. An oxalate stone’s size and location help to determine how long it will take for a stone to pass. Larger stones take longer than smaller stones to pass. A stone located near the kidney will also take several days longer to pass compared to a stone nestled near the bladder. The good news is that the best exercise for overall health is generally the same type of exercise that helps to dislodge oxalate stones. That means that your workout won’t be wasted even if it doesn’t help to quickly move your oxalate stone.
How the Link Between Exercise and High Blood Pressure Affects Oxalate Stones
Let’s move beyond the conversation about exercise to remove oxalate stone for a bit to look at the bigger picture of how exercise and high blood pressure can impact oxalate stones. According to the National Kidney Foundation, high blood pressure is one of the diseases that can increase the risk for developing oxalate stones. Research shows us that staying active with consistent exercise is one of the best ways to reduce risks for high blood pressure and hypertension. That means that we should put the focus on regular exercise to help reduce our chances of developing oxalate stones before we focus on the best exercise for oxalate stone removal.

Exercise Reduces Stone Risk: Light Exercise Tips To Support Kidney Health
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to support kidney health. Also help to manage conditions such as calcium oxalate stones. Let’s look at the types of exercise.
Final Thoughts on Using Exercise to Remove Oxalate Stone
Yes, exercise can certainly help you to pass an oxalate stone sooner! However, it can be difficult to know if exercising is speeding things up unless you know the size and location of your stone. Light cardio is usually the best exercise for overall health when you’re looking for both relief and prevention. That’s great news if you’re looking for pain relief while living with a stubborn oxalate stone. However, even the best exercise for oxalate stone removal can’t shrink the size of an oxalate stone.