Clinically Researched Ingredients

Kidney C.O.P.® Patented Formulation Contains Clinically Researched Ingredients**** that helps stop calcium oxalate stone formation
Kidney supplement to reduce oxalates
Calcium Oxalate Labs, Inc. is the only company that has combined the five active ingredients in Kidney C.O.P.® and optimized them in laboratory in-vitro tests to inhibit the rate of calcium oxalate crystal growth by 99%!*
Kidney C.O.P.® Five Active Ingredients have been shown to reduce the formation and growth of calcium oxalate crystals*

Active Ingredients: Pyridoxine HCl, Magnesium Citrate, Citric Acid, Phytin (Inositol) and Musa Paradisiaca
Kidney C.O.P.® is a supplement to reduce oxalates. Each active ingredient in Kidney C.O.P.® (or a combination of the ingredients) have been clinically tested and shown, to varying degrees of potential, to inhibit the rate of calcium oxalate crystal growth. Kidney C.O.P.®, is a formula developed specifically for calcium oxalate, and it has shown to help reduce calcium oxalate crystal formation and growth.

****Many of Kidney C.O.P.’s® active ingredients (or combination of) have been tested in clinical studies & have shown to have an effect inhibiting calcium oxalate crystal growth. Many of these clinical studies are found in the five patents: 9,233,135; 9,492,491; 9,623,006; 9,789,152; 10,471,115 – pgs 1 – 3 of each patent. A few of these clinical studies are listed below. Click on the links below to see the abstracts for ingredient(s) to reduce calcium oxalate crystal growth and formation.
- A prospective, randomized, controlled study to evaluate the efficacy & tolerability of Ayurvedic formulation “varuna and banana stem” in the management of urinary stones.
J Altern Complement Med 2008 Dec; 14(10):1287-90. doi: 10.1089/acm.2008.0189. Patankar S1, Dobhada S, Bhansali M, Khaladkar S, Modi J. - Results of long-term rice bran (inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) treatment on stone recurrence in hypercalciuric patients.
Br J Urol. 1991 Mar;67(3):237-40. Ebisuno S1, Morimoto S, Yasukawa S, Ohkawa T. - Potassium-magnesium citrate is an effective prophylaxis against recurrent calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis.
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J Urol. 2009 Mar;181(3):1145-50. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2008.11.014. 2009 Jan 18. - Effect of potassium citrate therapy on stone recurrence & residual fragments after shockwave lithotripsy in lower caliceal calcium oxalate urolithiasis: a randomized controlled trial.
Soygür T1, Akbay A, Küpeli S. ,J Endourol. 2002 Apr;16(3):149-52. - The core of the pseudostem of musa in the treatment of urinary stones.
R. Gopakumara Pillai Consultant Urologist, District Hospital, Kollam, Kerala, India., Ancient science of life 07/1995; 15(1):2-6., PubMed - Control of hyperoxaluria with large doses of pyridoxine in patients with kidney stones.
Int Urol Nephrol. 1988;20(4):353-9. Mitwalli A1, Ayiomamitis A, Grass L, Oreopoulos DG. - Effect of daily MgO & vitamin B6 administration to patients with recurring calcium oxalate kidney stones.
S N Gershoff, E L Prien. PMID: 6023850 DOI: 10.1093/ajcn/20.5.393 - Visit the following links for information on how to pass a kidney stone or how to get relief from kidney stones