What does an oxalate stone feel like? What are oxalate stone symptoms in women? What are oxalate stone symptoms in men? These are the questions countless people have researched while hunched over from pain. Many people who have passed oxalate stones report that it’s the worst pain they’ve ever experienced. In fact, claims that passing an oxalate stone can be as painful as childbirth are backed by research. Are you wondering if the pain you’re experiencing is caused by an oxalate stone? Here’s a look at oxalate stone symptoms.

What Does an Oxalate stone Feel Like?
Oxalate stone attacks can be brutal. Oxalate stone pain in lower abdomen is the telltale clue that you’re passing a stone. While “pain” is the most common symptom of an oxalate stone, people can have very different experiences with oxalate stones.
The size and location of an oxalate stone can help to determine the intensity of your symptoms. Larger stones that are located closer to the kidneys tend to produce more extreme symptoms compared to smaller stones located closer to the bladder. Your personal pain tolerance and overall health can also help to determine just how badly an oxalate stone affects you. According to Mayo Clinic, these are the most common symptoms of oxalate stones:
- Severe oxalate stone pain in lower abdomen that knocks you down.
- Sharp pain that radiates in the side, back, or rib area.
- Pain radiating in the groin or lower abdomen.
- Pain that comes in waves.
- Consistent pain that fluctuates in intensity.
- A burning sensation while urinating.
These are signs that you may have an oxalate stone that can pass on its own. Pain intensity can shift as the stone moves positions within the urinary system. You might also experience these slightly more intense symptoms when passing an oxalate stone:
- Red, brown, or pink urine.
- Cloudy, odorous urine.
- A persistent urge to urinate.
While most oxalate stones will resolve without intervention, it’s important to know that safely passing a stone does sometimes require medical intervention. What does an oxalate stone feel like when there’s something dangerous happening? You may be in such extreme pain that you can no longer sit still, relax, or find a comfortable position. Nausea and vomiting are also signs of infection. If you’re experiencing fever and chills, you may also be dealing with an infection. Finally, blood in your urine, difficulty passing urine, or going a long time without being able to urinate are all signs of a potential emergency and you should seek professional medical attention.
Are There Specific Oxalate Stone Symptoms in Women?
Oxalate stone symptoms in women aren’t generally different compared to symptoms in men. Oxalate stone pain in lower abdomen is still the most common symptom when talking about oxalate stone symptoms in women. However, diagnosing oxalate stones can sometimes take longer for women simply because oxalate stone symptoms in women can easily be confused for menstrual cramps or bladder infections. For some women, oxalate stone pain in lower abdomen can move to the labia. In men, pain will instead radiate to the testicles.

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What Are the Reasons for Oxalate stone Formation?
One of the most common reasons for oxalate stone formation is a buildup of calcium-oxalate crystals in the urinary system. Eating high-oxalate foods can make you more vulnerable to oxalate stones. Chocolate, peanuts, rhubarb, leafy greens, beats, almonds, tofu, and bran have some of the highest concentrations of oxalates compared to all foods. Other reasons for oxalate stone development include being dehydrated, eating a high-sodium diet, and eating a high quantity of processed foods. Oxalate stone symptoms in women and men are generally the same regardless of the reasons for oxalate stone formation.